Scrap Metal Laws By State
Arkansas Scrap Metal Laws
Payment Restrictions:
Video Recording:
Tag and Hold:
License Scanning:
Vehicle Descriptions:
Taking Photographs of Materials:
Taking Photographs of Customers Faces:
Notify Law Enforcement:
NMVTIS Reporting:
Legal Mandates
Updated January 2014
***Changes effective April 18, 2013
State Requirements
In order to sell scrap metal, sellers will be required to:
· Agree to allow photocopy of driver's license or state ID card*;
· Sign a statement indicating that they are the owner of or are authorized to sell the metal*;
· Sign a statement that they have not been convicted of metal theft*;
· Allow the buyer to take a thumbprint*;
o *This information can be obtained one time and kept on file for all future transactions
Buyer’s must:
- Record state and license plate number of sellers vehicle used to transport scrap;
- Keep a record of sellers name, address, and date of sale;
- A video or photograph of the seller and the material being sold, including a description and weight of the material.
- All sales tickets must have date and time and place of the sale, as well as the name of the clerk completing the sale.
- Must also show the weight, quantity and/or volume of the material.
- Sales tickets must also show the dollar amount paid for the material.
- Sales tickets must be signed by the seller. Seller will receive a copy of the receipt and buyer will retain a copy.
- Must also show the weight, quantity and/or volume of the material.
· Buyer must report purchased vehicle information to NMVTIS · Tag and hold policies are in effect for a minimum of 7 days
NOTE: Scrap recyclers must maintain a record of all purchases for a minimum of 1 year and is subject to inspection by any law enforcement at any time. (***3-years for parental consents for purchases from a minor) There is a 7-day tag-and-hold policy when notified by law enforcement to do so. (Does not apply to transactions containing only beverage containers or ferrous materials.)
***A daily record of all purchases must be submitted electronically to the state
If notice of a known or presumed theft of nonferrous metal products is given to a scrap metal recycler under subsection (a) of this section and within ninety (90) days after the notice nonferrous metal products meeting the description in the notice are purchased by the scrap metal recycler or offered for sale to the scrap metal recycler, then the scrap metal recycler shall notify the local police or sheriff's department that the nonferrous metal products were purchased by or offered for sale to the scrap metal recycler.
***The database operator shall send a report every 7 days to the county sheriffs and to any law enforcement agency that requests periodic copies more frequently than 7 days. The report shall list all Recyclers in the country that have accessed or have access to the database but have not filed a daily report as required.
It is unlawful to purchase scrap metal from persons under the age of 18 years.
No scrap metal business may purchase or receive beer kegs from anyone except a distributor or manufacturer of beer kegs or licensed brewery.
It is unlawful to purchase manhole covers, brass or bronze valves or fittings, water meters, aluminum trenches or ramps, street light poles or fittings, guard rails, street signs, catalytic converters (not in a motor vehicle), air conditioners (unless seller is HVAC certified) or any material owned by the government or utility.
No scrap metal business may enter into a transaction to purchase or receive metallic wire that was burned in whole or in part to remove insulation unless the seller can produce written proof to the scrap metal business that the wire was lawfully burned or lawfully recovered from a burned structure.
Any purchases from persons previously convicted of metal theft must be paid for with a non-transferrable check which will be mailed to the seller’s home after a holding period of 3 days. A list of convicted felons is available from your local law enforcement agency.
Links to Other Important Information for Arkansas Salvage/Recycling
Auto-Parts Salvage/Recycling
- Tires – See for waste tire information