Scrap Metal Laws By State
Nebraska Scrap Metal Laws
Payment Restrictions:
Video Recording:
Tag and Hold:
License Scanning:
Vehicle Descriptions:
Taking Photographs of Materials:
Taking Photographs of Customers Faces:
Notify Law Enforcement:
NMVTIS Reporting:
Legal Mandates
Updated January 2014
***Scrap tire regulation changes effective 5/7/2013 (see bottom of page)
State Requirements
In order to sell scrap metal, sellers will be required to:
Allow a copy of the seller’s a driver's license or state ID card;
Sign a statement indicating that they are the owner of or are authorized to sell the metal;
Sign a statement that they have not been convicted of metal theft;
For sales of copper or catalytic converters only – a right index finger print is to be obtained and kept on file.
Buyer’s must:
- Record license plate number and description of vehicle used to transport scrap
- Keep an electronic record of sellers name, address and date of sale
- A photograph or video of the materials being purchased (must include time and date stamp)
- All sales tickets must have location of sale, date and time of the sale, the price paid for materials, as well as the initials of the clerk completing the sale.
- Must also show the weight, quantity and/or volume of the material.
- Must include a general description of the material and if the material is insulated.
- Sales tickets must be signed by the seller. Seller will receive a copy of the receipt and buyer will retain a copy.
- Must also show the weight, quantity and/or volume of the material.
· Buyer must report purchased vehicle information to NMVTIS
· Tag and hold policy is in effect (for a minimum of 10 days)
NOTE: Please be aware of your local ordinances. Many cities and counties have additional ordinances that may not be listed here.
Keep records, certifications, registrations, etc. on site for 1 year.
Scrap recyclers must maintain a record of all purchases for one year and is subject to inspection by any law enforcement at any time. There is a tag-and-hold policy for a minimum of 10 days when requested by law enforcement.
All transactions over the amount of $25 must be paid by check made payable to the seller. All transactions for copper or catalytic converters must be paid by check made payable to the seller.
It is unlawful to purchase materials from persons under the age of 18 years (with the exception of metal beverage or food cans).
No scrap metal business may purchase or receive beer kegs from anyone except a distributor or manufacturer of beer kegs or licensed brewery.
Links to Other Important Information for Nebraska Salvage/Recycling
Auto-Parts Salvage/Recycling
· Scrap Tires –
· Environmental Safety pertaining to junkyards -
· Regulations for scrap yards and junkyards -